Thursday, April 02, 2009

Sunday April 5, 2009

This Sunday is Palm/Passion Sunday in the Christian church. Formerly, the Sunday before Easter was strictly Palm Sunday, but then a lot of churches did not offer formal Good Friday services, so on one week you had The Triumphal Entry (Palm Sunday) by Jesus into Jerusalem, and the next week you celebrated the resurrection, and the crucifixion was omitted. To remedy this without doing violence to the Holy Week chronology, a liturgy of the Passion (Christ's death) was added to the liturgy of the Palms.
In The Refuge this week, the children will march through waves palm branches, but our main emphasis will be on the crucifixion. We will offer experiential meditations around Christ's passion and the stations of the cross. There is some history of the stations of the cross here. The images we will use are local artist Ted DeGrazia's series called The Way of the Cross.
Our worship this week will be interactive, participatory, and experiential.
The worship bulletin is here.

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