Thursday, March 05, 2009

Prayer for Thursday, March 5

March 5, 2009

Day 8: Prayer for the people of Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea

Scripture for reflection: Romans 12:3-15

Prayer: From many languages, centuries-old cultures and an enriching gospel, over
forty years ago you loved into being the United Church of Papua New Guinea.
On strung-out islands, coffee growing hills and among overcrowded settlements
there are people who serve you, love their neighbour and steward your creation.
Cast out powers that privilege some and impoverish others; that under-pay
growers, that extract resources without adequate payment; that limit access
to education, health and basic support; and that deepen conflict. We pray for
safe water and good sanitation for all people in Papua New Guinea and around
the world. Sustain those susceptible to nature’s blessing and cruelty amid the
effects of climate change. Open hearts to people whose land is disappearing
and who are forced to relocate. Convert us to live within the limits of creation,
honouring the earth and valuing the water. We thank you that in Christ you
shorten the distance between us and gather us to eat and drink at the same
Lord’s Table, justly and equitably, through Jesus Christ. Amen.

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