Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Prayer for Wednesday, April 8

Day 37 : Prayer for the people of Mwandi, Zambia

Scripture for reflection: Psalm 139:13-18

Prayer: The warm love of people who care is one of your most precious gifts, great
God. In fragile years, when we are just beginning, that love forms us. We pray
for children where disease has taken the ones to whom they looked for love,
in whose cradling arms they were cherished, from whose eyes they learned to
smile. We are sad because that gap will never fill. Bring among them people
who value them, people who listen, attend and love. We remember the maturing
of your Son, and we ask you to provide support for young people to grow in
wisdom and stature, spirit and grace. We pray for the end of HIV/AIDS, the
knowledge to end it and care and thoughtfulness that honours those who live
with it. Where care reverts to grandmothers or grandfathers, uncles or aunts,
sisters or brothers, or others in the village, sustain them. You number every hair.
You notice every falling sparrow. So we ask again, notice those who fall or who
are in danger of falling. Make us and your church part of your noticing. Through
Jesus Christ. Amen.

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