Thursday, March 15, 2007

Starting Over: Being Reconciled

This is the topic for worship, March 18. The bulletin with notes is here. There is explanation/info in the notes, so I won't repeat that here. The issue this week is being forgiven by those whom we have hurt, harmed, or offended. This is receiving forgiveness. Last week was about giving forgiveness.
Here are the Scriptures:
2 Corinthians 5.17-21
Colossians 1.15-22
Matthew 5.21-24

Reconciliation with each other is possible because of Christ's reconciling work.

Think about the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden. After their sin, they chose to hide from God, and then blame others and make excuses instead of seeking reconciliation. I think this was the biggest wrong. I'm sure it hurt the heart of God. Adam and Eve's behavior was motivated by fear and pride. When we blame or excuse or avoid people instead of making things right, that is also usually motivated by fear and pride. May God give us the grace to be reconciled with our brothers and sisters. More Sunday.

If you look at the bulletin, you might be curious about the band-aids. If you are in worship with us Sunday, you will find out what they are for. If not, my post-worship post on Monday will explain everything.

More on the 'Tomb'

I found an article in Time magazine also. It reinforces what Newsweek had to say.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What's a Christian to do?

A really good article in Newsweek talks about being Christian meaning "caring for others and making sacrifices to solve problems". It is about the Kennedys. Don't miss the last line. If the significance passes you by, let me know and I'll clue you in.

Each Day and Each Night

This is a prayer book that I use. You can look at it here. It has morning prayers and evening prayers for each day. There is also a lectionary with a psalm and a gospel reading for each day. It is simple, but meaningful.

Arizona Faces Purdue in NCAAs

You can read the story here and get the details. The game is Friday at 3:20 or so. I'll be watching. I cancelled an appointment my son Tyler had when I found out it conflicted with the game. More analysis of the game is here.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

'Tomb' can't keep Christianity down

The alleged "discovery" (actually the artifact was found in the 80's--James Cameron just got interested recently) of the burial box of Jesus has caused a little stir. Did you notice how quickly the whole thing has subsided? Here is a link to an article in the LA Times about it that I thought was pretty good. It is written by Charlotte Allen, a contributor to The article in Newsweek on the subject is pretty good, too.