Thursday, January 07, 2010

The Refuge Sunday January 10, 2010

This week's worship bulletin is here. This Sunday is part of the season of Epiphany, which presents Jesus as the Son of God. The Gospel readings during this time include the visit of the Magi, the baptism of Jesus, his first miracle, and the Transfiguration. This Sunday, we continue our theme "Who Is Jesus?". We celebrated his birth with much hoopla at Christmas, but whose birth is it that we celebrate? That is our study for the next few weeks.
This week, we look at the baptism of Jesus, as found in the Gospel of Luke. The Scripture is Luke 3.15-17, 21-22. Who is Jesus? Jesus is God's dearly loved child. What implication does that have for us? Come and hear about it!
We will also observe a traditional reaffirmation of baptism this Sunday.

Youth News for January 10, 2010

Here’s the news!

Sunday School is at 9:30 in E-225.

Regular youth group schedule for this Sunday:
5:30 dinner, everything over at 7:30. I think we are planning to do music this Sunday.

If you have not registered for Snowblast 2010 yet, I MIGHT be able to add you. Go to for details.

The youth group is hosting and providing meals for Project Hospitality this Friday. All the info is at .

On Sunday, January 17, there will be NO Sunday School and NO youth group—that’s Snowblast 2010!!

We’ll see you Sunday!

Richard 403-2403

Project Hospitality for Youth Friday January 8

I’m sorry this is getting to you so late, but it has been one of those weeks. Here is the scoop for the youth facilitating Project Hospitality at Catalina this Friday:

What it is:

During the winter months, more people than maximum capacity seek shelter with the Salvation Army. Various churches agree to house a few men to relieve the overcrowding. Catalina has been doing this for years. The men are screened by the Salvation Army (usually they send out their regulars that they know) and we house and feed 6 men each week.

What we need:

Set up: I need 2 or 3 people to show up at 5pm on Friday in the church kitchen to help set up E-23 (room next to kitchen) for sleeping and dinner.

Dinner: We provide dinner for the 6 men and any of us who are here at the time. I anticipate feeding approximately 12 people. Here is what we need:
3 boxes of spaghetti (we will cook it at church-it needs to be here by 5:30)
2 pots of sauce (already prepared-can be re-heated at church)
2 large bags of salad
2 bottles of salad dressing

Clean up: We will clean up dinner tables and dishes.

Overnight: As part of Project Hospitality, we must have someone stay all night. I will be doing this and any interested youth are invited also. However, keep these things in mind:
You will stay all night.
You will need to cooperate and help.
You need to bring sleeping gear because we will sleep.
We will have some work we will be doing.
Feel free to bring games or movies.
This is not something to bring friends to.
We will be getting up EARLY. Breakfast is at 6:15am—and we must prepare it.

3 doz eggs
3 lb bacon
3 cans of biscuits
2 jugs of juice
1 gallon milk
1 tub magarine
1 large jar of jelly

If you plan to come, I need you to bring something. I know this is a rush, but I need to know right away what you can bring so I can resolve any duplicates and know what we don’t have covered. Items can be split up; you can bring 1 dozen eggs, not all 3, etc. You can bring something and leave. You can bring something and stay for part of the time. Obviously, it would be better for me to get the spaghetti sauce covered for sure (since it needs to be prepared ahead of time).

Alright. I THINK that covers it! If you can bring something PLEASE let me know ASAP. You can email me at or text or call me at 403-2403.
