Thursday, March 22, 2007
Sunday March 25
Psalm 50
Psalm 119.145-149
Mark 1.35-42
The music is from Moby's 18 (tracks 9, 15, 16) with one song from Hotel (track 14). You can listen to samples at the links.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
From Jesus to Christ
This is an Easter article from March 20/28 2005 Newsweek. I personally think Meacham makes some good points and has a good grasp of many of the issues. Yes, if the body of Jesus could have been found, that WOULD have discredited Christianity. And believe it or not, there was more pressure to discredit Jesus in his day than there is today. So, James Cameron, if the remains of Jesus were available for finding, they would have been found. But they weren't. And Jesus was not discredited. And the claims of the disciples and Paul of resurrection appearances are valildated by the subsequent changes in behavior and life.
Some folks don't like the article. Here is one critique.
My WeeMee
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Cleaning Up
I couldn't talk about it until today...

The U of A Wildcats lost badly to Purdue in the first round of the NCAA tournament on Saturday. The full story is here. It seemed to me that only reserves Jawann McClellan and Brett Brielmeyer played with any intensity at all. The game was so disheartening that I am tempted to stop being a fan. It's that bad. Well, it's only 8 months or so until the next season starts...
This is funny...
Monday, March 19, 2007
OK Tell me about the band-aids
Be reconciled to God. Be reconciled to each other. Amen.
Race Recycling
It's that time of year again for the Susan G. Komen "Race for the Cure". If you are not planning to race -- come on out for a couple hours and be a volunteer to help this worthwhile effort.
Not only are there a lot of plastic water bottles used during the race that we do not want to go into the landfill, there is also a lot of orange and banana peels that will be collected and composted at the City's new composting facility. Last year the City was able to recover 56% which is great but why not 100%? With your help we can do it.
Please scroll down for more information and how you can become a volunteer.
We will do a training on Sat Mar 31 from 9 to 10 at Reid Park Ramada 18.
The Race is Sun 15 Apr from 6 AM to 10. Respondents can e-mail me at The link below is to the Race web site.
This is another way to be involved and make a difference!