Friday, October 02, 2009

The Nature of the Bible

Good thoughts! _awakening: Reading Scripture Today. -

Read, worriers!

JASON BOYETT: author of the Pocket Guides: Will the World End in 2012? A Conversation -

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Video from Last Sunday

This is a link to a video recording of "All Hail the Power" from The Refuge last Sunday. Thanks, Matt!

World Communion Sunday

This Sunday, October 4, 2009, is World Communion Sunday. The point of this annual observance is to get at what the Apostles' Creed calls "the communion of the saints"--the fact that all believers throughout the whole world and throughout all time are united in Jesus Christ.
We will use a communion liturgy from the United Methodist Book of Worship prepared specifically for World Communion Sunday. We will consider the Apostles' Creed. The meaning and experience of communion will be our focus. Join us for this meaningful service.
According to a tradition at Catalina, we will use small pieces of bread for communion that are colored "red, yellow, black, and white".
Of course, in my mind, a take away from World Communion Sunday is this: if we are going to be unified with other believers, let it start in our own church. Amen.

The worship bulletin is here.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Methodists and Lutherans and Catholics, oh my!

Read this article. Pretty interesting. And short. I should mention that it is short, too.

Press Center -

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Spiritual Discipline of Serving on Vimeo

Watch this video!

The Spiritual Discipline of Serving on Vimeo

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Gays in the Church Part 8: Inclusion or Exclusion | Finding Rhythm

This is the last post in a series by Zach Lind. I would encourage you to read them all. You may or may not change your mind about the issue (that is not MY intent-to try to change your mind), but you might find yourself thinking more deeply about issues instead of just blowing people off.

Gays in the Church Part 8: Inclusion or Exclusion | Finding Rhythm

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No Impact Project

You may have heard this story: a guy and his family attempt to live one year with no environmental impact--leaving no carbon footprint--or any other kind for that matter. What can we learn?

No Impact Project

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