Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sunday January 18, 2009

This Sunday, I will in the White Mountains with the Catalina youth for Snowblast 09!! Pastor Raven will be preaching.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Mindy and Bethany and I went to see MILK last week. It is a really good movie and the depiction of Harvey Milk's fight for civil rights for gay people is inspiring. Sean Penn did a super job.

Sobering...but what does it mean?

Follow the link below (I couldn't find any way to embed the animation) to see a US map that depicts chronologically and geographically the spread of Wal Mart across America. I'm not doing a good job describing it. Click on the link. Watch the animation. It starts out slow and then...WHAM! The year counter is in the bottom right hand corner and the store counter is in the top left corner.