Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Obadiah is our study for August 19. It is very short. Give it a read and leave me any comments that you come up with.


This Sunday in worship, we consider the prophet Amos. Hold on! It is an intense prophecy!
The worship bulletin is here.

Katrina Relief by the Church

Check out this article in USA Today about different Christian groups that worked for Katrina relief. The United Methodist Church did pretty good.
The faithful lend a helping hand

Although officials say it's difficult to know the exact number of people who have volunteered in the Hurricane Katrina recovery, they estimate that more than 655,000 have served in Louisiana and Mississippi since the storm. Many faith-based groups have helped residents return to their homes.

Religious charitiesTotal volunteersHomes improved*
Adventist Community Services2,200150
American Baptist Men60012
Baptist Builders37410
Brethren Disaster Ministries1,608352
Catholic Charities USA15,4812,550
Christian Disaster Response23835
Christian Reformed World Relief Committee2,972255
Church of Scientology1,000N/A **
Convoy of Hope (Christian)16,9622,828
Episcopal Relief & Development18,3032,471
Friends Disaster Service1,55096
Habitat for Humanity (Christian)71,4122,896
Islamic Relief12222
International Aid (Christian)1,250N/A **
Lutheran Disaster Response26,5858,242
Medical Teams International (Christian)437428
Mennonite Disaster Service (includes Amish volunteers)9,000750
Nazarene Disaster Response15,000200
Nechama (Jewish)600200
Operation Blessing7,5981,348
Presbyterian Church U.S.A.29,3453,380
Salvation Army15,232N/A **
Samaritan's Purse12,0265,000
Society of St. Vincent de Paul4,000N/A
Southern Baptist Convention175,3785,136
Tzu Chi Foundation (Buddhist)1,319N/A **
United Church of Christ National Disaster Ministries4,985792
United Methodist Committee on Relief56,65615,643
Volunteers of America14,000430

Source: USA TODAY research

* Improvement may include gutting, repairing or rebuilding. ** These groups have provided services other than rebuilding houses, such as providing food, water, clothes and other needs.

Vacation is ALMOST Here!

Tomorrow begins a SHORT vacation (back home Saturday). We are going to the Pointe South Mountain Resort in Phoenix for a few days of relaxation.