Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sunday November 11

[I check this page on Mondays for comments needing a response. On Wednesday, I switch it over to the topic for the next Sunday.]

This is the one Sunday per year that we get down to brass tacks about what we are going to do during the next year as far as our involvement in the church is concerned. This is Pledge Sunday.
This year, we are taking the approach of considering the promises we made when we were baptized, confirmed, or received into church membership. We promised to support the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, and service. In other words, it's not just about money. Our pledge cards for this year include all 4 areas. And our prayer and worship experiences will give us an opportunity to explore each of the areas and what God is leading us to do in each one.

Feel free to leave any feedback or discussion as a comment! Read the comments, and discuss with each other!

Questions or comments

Feel free to leave any questions or comments about The Refuge or anything at all here in the comments section. I will reply as a comment (so you will need to check back to see the reply), or you can include your email address and I will reply directly to you.