Thursday, October 25, 2007
Strange Posts?
Youth groups are famous for events and activities. And we do lots of events at Catalina. Our events serve several purposes:
We provide a fun and safe environment for youth.
We build relationships with each other through activities. Shared experiences become the foundation for friendships.
We build memories together.
We learn to follow Christ in all of life.
Serve An old hymn of the church says, "This is my Father's world..." But it usually doesn't seem like it. Suffering, need, hurt, and injustice surround us and threaten to overwhelm us. The good news is that you and I can do something about it.
At Catalina we will offer a variety of opportunities to help others and serve God.
We feed the homeless and hungry at Casa Maria
We work with Tucson Clean and Beautiful
We serve the children of our church in VBS
We serve in MANY other ways.
Check the youth calendar for opportunities and details.
Connect with God We look at youth group as your time with God, and we employ a variety of methods to connect with God. We learn ancient practices of the Christian faith, we explore modern culture, and we use a variety of media experiences. Take time to pursue the most important relationship in life: you and God.
Connect with Others Relationships are a big deal. We put a high priority on sharing and support. At Catalina youth group you will have the opportunity to meet and get to know students who are going through the same things you are; friends with whom you can share your feelings and thoughts. How do we connect with others? We allow for lots of hang out time in our program. We give you lots of opportunities to talk and share. We take you on trips together.
More Information
If you have would like more information
regarding Contemporary Worship
at Catalina Contact Richard Jones
at 327-4296
or e-mail
Great Hymns of the Faith
October 14 "Amazing Grace" worship bulletin
October 21 "It Is Well with My Soul" worship bulletin
October 28 "Be Thou My Vision" worship bulletin
Communion at The Refuge
Catalina is a child friendly church!
What we do at The Refuge
An average worship service (if there is such a thing) will include music performed by our band, prayer, Scripture, media, songs you can sing to worship God, an offering (it is church), and often a time to discuss or a time for response. We may recite the ancient creeds of the church, we may spend time in silence. We may move around the room to interact with individual prayer stations. We may share our concerns with the group for prayer, we may light a candle on the prayer table to symbolize our prayers.
Who we are at The Refuge
Each Sunday, music for The Refuge is provided by Cornerstone, our excellent praise band. The Cornerstone band was voted the most outstanding contemporary Christian band in Tucson in 2004! Much of the music they perfrom on Sunday is original music.
We are committed to following the Great Commands of Jesus. In Matthew 22.34-40, Jesus told us that the Holy Scriptures can be summarized thusly: Love God and love your neighbor. We want to follow Jesus by doing just that.