Isaiah 2.1-5
Isaiah 9.2-7
Luke 1.67-79
Isaiah 32.16-17
Notice what these Scriptures say about peace and how it relates to the coming of Jesus, the Christ.
The images in these Scriptures are of light and peace together. The Isaiah passages also emphasize the authority of Christ as the source of peace.
The Luke passage brings in to the mix spiritual peace, and he also employs the image of light.
God will bring peace, but we can work for it now.
Christ has authority—all authority—and he will bring peace to this world. He will bring peace by bringing light. The light will dispel our fear and will show us the path to peace. Right now, we can experience Christ’s peace by experiencing his forgiveness.
Light and peace characterize Christ’s kingdom. As the kingdom of God is advanced—as more and more of the world and the situations and people in the world come into line with the desires of God—light will come and peace will prevail.
Christ’s kingdom is advanced and peace comes when justice prevails.
How can we work for justice? Will YOU work for justice? Will YOU work for peace?
God will bring peace, but we can experience it now.
Only God’s salvation brings peace. Let the light of God search through every corner of your life. Commit the things exposed by the light to the forgiveness and tender mercy of God. Feel the peace of God. Your guilt is gone. You can stop worrying about failing to measure up. Your shame is now baseless. You no longer need to fear death. When you let go of those things, you are free to step out into the light and to be guided by God into his peace.
We accept God’s forgiveness and we enter into life and light and salvation. Have you accepted the forgiveness that God offers in Jesus Christ?
We accept God’s forgiveness because our attempts at following Christ are imperfect at best, interrupted by our impulses and pride, and often misguided.
This week's worship bulletin is here.
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