This Sunday, we begin a new study focusing on three hymns of the Christian faith that have been an inspiration to many and have stood the test of time:
October 14 "Amazing Grace"
October 21 "It Is Well with My Soul"
October 28 "Be Thou My Vision"
This week we begin with "Amazing Grace", and the song truly does have an amazing story. It was written by John Newton, who was a slave trader and an all-around vile person before his conversion. After his conversion, he became a minister and was an inspiration and mentor to William Wilberforce, who would lead the Abolitionist Movement in Great Britain. The story is told in the movie "Amazing Grace", which focuses on Wilberforce, but documents Newton's role.
There are two videos we will show Sunday. One is a documentary about Newton and Wilberforce and features clips from the movie.
The other video tells the story of the significant place the song has had in history.
The Scripture for this Sunday is Ephesians 2.1-10.
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