Thursday, February 11, 2010

Catalina Parents E-News

Here are the announcements I sent the youth: [scroll down for some parenting-type stuff]

1-Sunday School will meet at 9:30 in E-225.

2-Youth group will meet with our regular schedule this week. Dinner is at 5:30 and everything is over at 7:30. Yeah, I know it is Valentine’s Day, but I am celebrating on another day (Friday) and you can, too. We will have some special Valentine’s Day activities and I will have a gift for each of you.

3- Fruit Gleaning is February 21!! Here are the details:
[***This event is for ALL ages! Parents, YOU are invited—encouraged—to come with us and help with this project!]

This is a great opportunity for you to:
serve God
help people in need
get outdoors
do some physical activity
use what God has given you to benefit others
build relationships with people in your church
work together as the body of Christ for the kingdom of God

What will we do?
We will gather at Catalina (in Fellowship Hall) at 2pm and divide into teams. We will travel to various locations and pick fruit from trees. We will gather back at Catalina at 5:30pm for dinner together. (Dinner is free of charge, but we will accept donations to help with the cost--it isn't free to us.) We will see a short video about the work of Ishkash*taa.

What do we need?
We need workers.
We need drivers.
We need fruit picking implements.
We need plastic milk crates!

Wear comfortable clothes and shoes to be outdoors working.
Contact Richard with any questions: email him ( or phone/text him (403-2403).

This Sunday, we will have a sign up list so I can get an idea of how many to expect for dinner.

4-Paintball will be FRIDAY FEBRUAY 26 [Rodeo] Details to follow.


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