Thursday, January 07, 2010

The Refuge Sunday January 10, 2010

This week's worship bulletin is here. This Sunday is part of the season of Epiphany, which presents Jesus as the Son of God. The Gospel readings during this time include the visit of the Magi, the baptism of Jesus, his first miracle, and the Transfiguration. This Sunday, we continue our theme "Who Is Jesus?". We celebrated his birth with much hoopla at Christmas, but whose birth is it that we celebrate? That is our study for the next few weeks.
This week, we look at the baptism of Jesus, as found in the Gospel of Luke. The Scripture is Luke 3.15-17, 21-22. Who is Jesus? Jesus is God's dearly loved child. What implication does that have for us? Come and hear about it!
We will also observe a traditional reaffirmation of baptism this Sunday.

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