Thursday, December 13, 2007

Third Sunday in Advent

The worship bulletin for this Sunday is here. The theme for this week is JOY. That's good, right? We all would like to, maybe NEED to, feel more joy. It's what makes the holidays special, isn't it. It seems to me from the Scriptures that joy is related to redemption. We can have joy because of redemption. See, that is why happiness is different from joy. As it has been said before, happiness is usually associated with happenings (my circumstances in life). Joy comes from knowing that I have been redeemed by God, that the biggest questions in life are settled, and that even though I may have hard times, God will work through them (redeem them) in my life (Romans 8.28).
Scriptures for this Sunday:
Isaiah 35.1-2, 8-10
Luke 2.1-20

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